
As the board of the VSAE you are responsible for the entire association for a year. It is important to formulate a policy outline at the beginning, which can be executed throughout the rest of the year. This includes determining the direction of the association and making important decisions. Moreover, the board acts as the day-to-day management to the association and oversees the organisation of the events and activities the VSAE offers. Everything we stand for is encompassed by our five pillars: Career, Social, Study, Analytics Academy and Mental Health.

Do you want to learn more about the board in general, the board members or their positions? Send us a Whatsapp message or email, or stop by our board room E1.32 for a chat!

From left to right: Damla Baybar, Daan van Dijk, Una Ignjatović, Saif Aknouch

Daan van Dijk - Chairman & External Affairs


Telephone:   020 - 525 5034
LinkedIn:   LinkedIn

Post description: Chairman
As Chairman of the VSAE you are responsible for maintaining the overview of the association and keeping in mind the long term vision. You remain in close contact with your fellow board members to stay updated on all projects and affairs within the association. Furthermore you are the face of the VSAE to other associations and it is your job to support the other board members by helping them, and checking or adjusting their work where needed.

Supervising the following committees:

  • Business Orientation Days
  • Actuarial Congress
  • Board Selection Committee
  • Sport Committee
  • Short Foreign Trip

Saif Aknouch - External Affairs 

Saif Aknouch

Telephone:   020 - 525 4134
LinkedIn:   LinkedIn

Post description: External Affairs
As External Affairs officer you are responsible for keeping in touch with the company contacts of the VSAE. You visit the corporate partners to make agreements on cooperation between them and the VSAE, so the members can get in touch with these companies. You are also responsible for the acquisition for events and act as the link between students and the corporate world

Supervising the following committees:

  • Econometric Game
  • International Study Project
  • Aenorm
  • Party Committee
  • Year Closing Trip

Damla Baybar - Internal Affairs & Marketing


Telephone:   020 - 525 4846
LinkedIn:   LinkedIn

Post description: Internal Affairs
The Internal Affairs officer is the face and contact for members of the VSAE. As Internal Affairs you aim to meet as many members as possible, and make sure they meet you. You recruit and retain active members by having coffee with them and placing them in committees that suit them best.

Post description: Marketing
As Marketing officer you are responsible for the different types of promotion by means of which the VSAE exhibits itself. This could for example be posting on social media, but the position also includes designing and ondering banners, posters and flyers for events. Furthermore you support committees in establishing a promotion plan for their events and activities.

Supervising the following committees:

  • Board Selection Committee (Chairman)
  • Analytics Academy
  • The Inhouse Experience
  • Integration Committee
  • Sjaars Committee
  • Skiing Trip

Una Ignjatović - Treasurer & Secretary & Vice-Chairman


Telephone:   020 - 525 4917
LinkedIn:   LinkedIn

Post description: Treasurer
As Treasurer you manage the accounts of the association. You ensure the funds are spent well. This leads to a large responsibility particular to this position. Managing the accounts includes paying declarations, keeping the books and updating the budget. It is important that the Treasurer can elaborate on the financial position of the VSAE at any time. This is essential when the board makes large decisions.

Post description: Secretary
The Secretary is one of the most important positions within the board. The Secretary's job is to keep track of all information coming in and process it. As Secretary you will take the minutes of the weekly board meetings, but also at the general meetings. It is very important that all information within the board is written down so the Advisory Board knows what is happening, and also for the board itself to look back on past decisions.

Supervising the following committees:

  • Master Speeddate Event
  • Introduction Camp
  • Start Up Event
  • VSAE Weekend
  • Ranking Committee

