The Inhouse Experience | Building Blocks is building the future of how people interact with companies. Since 1999 we’ve realized that the mobile phone will become more and more important, up to the point that it’s now the remote control of your entire life! This has already drastically changed the way that consumers interact with companies and we don’t believe that we’re there yet. We believe that people want to have conversations with companies and that in the future you will just send a message to a company when you need new shoes, groceries, insurance or anything else. develops technology that helps companies like BMW, a.s.r. , Eneco, Takeaway, Loveland and The Netherlands Red Cross to have great conversations with their customers. We make sure that they can send messages via any channel they like, including WhatsApp, SMS and many others. We make sure that their customer service department has the right tooling to answer questions quickly and that part of the customer contact is automated with chatbots, we make sure that it’s possible to pay in the webshop, in the store and at festivals, for events and festivals we make sure that everyone receives their tickets and that they can be checked at the entrance. All these different technologies are combined in one state-of-the-art platform that we deliver to thousands of companies worldwide, since we have offices in over 20 countries. To give every consumer that interacts with the platform an awesome experience, it’s essential that every message that is send is super relevant for the person that’s receiving it! That’s where Building Blocks comes in. Building Blocks is the part of that’s responsible for everything related to data & AI. We add the “intelligence” to the platform. We use the newest technology to analyze consumer behavior in stores, websites, customer service and use that information to make sure that every message we send is personalized for the receiver. That way we make sure that customers of are not just spamming their consumers with messages, but that consumers only receive messages at the moment that they are interested in it, that e-mails only contain products that are relevant for the consumer and that when you come to the website that it’s fully personalized to only show the most relevant products for you right now.

For this we’ve build software full of AI-models like recommendation algorithms, timing predictions, natural language processing and much, much more. During the inhouse day we will try to give you a glimpse of what’s happening behind the scenes and how we make sure that we can do this for so many different companies. Also, you’ll get to experience what it’s like to work at Building Blocks by working on a real case from one of our clients!
