ISP; Toronto!
ISP 2021
This fall, the VSAE is back with the International Study Project! We are proud to announce that from the 30th of October until the 8th of November we will visit: Toronto, Canada!
During this career event, we will first have a look into the Dutch business world by having in-house days at our partners Milliman and DaVinci Derivatives. After this, we will fly across the world to Toronto to see what the business world is like in Canada. We will visit our sponsor MSG in Toronto, some other big companies, and we will also check out the University over there. Next to exploring the business world, we will have the opportunity to visit and explore some amazing places in and around Toronto.
Applying for the International Study Project can be done until the 15th of September. After the applications close, there will be a selection done by our partners based on your CV. On the 22nd of September, we will announce the lucky participants!
Some important things to keep in mind before applying:
When selected for the trip, you are required to take part in the inhouse days on the 28th of September (DaVinci Derivatives) and on the 12th of October (Milliman) in Amsterdam. So don’t sign up unless you will be able to attend these in-house days.
Canada requires that you are fully vaccinated and tested before departure in order to enter the country. Being fully vaccinated means in this case that you had one shot of Jansen or two shots of another vaccine. One shot of another vaccine in combination with having had COVID-19 is not seen as fully vaccinated in Canada. Also, your last vaccination needs to be at least two weeks before departure. See the complete list of requirements here.
The costs for the trip will be €500.- and this includes your flight, stay and a few activities. You will need to pay this amount in October.
Only students that are in their third year of the Bachelor or in their Master's can apply for ISP. Furthermore, you still need to be studying to apply for this event.
When applying you need to hand in your resume. Make sure that you have made it anonymous, so for example without your name and age. Also, make sure your resume is in English.
Finally, the committee has been working very hard to arrange this event and it promises to be a great edition. So make sure to sign up & don’t miss this unique experience!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us on: