VSAE Guide

Become a VSAE Guide!


Each month from October onwards, we get a list of people (usally high school seniors) who are considering studying at the UvA next year and therefore would like to see what it's like to be a first-year student for a day. As a VSAE guide you get the chance to every now and then show one of these people around the university and take them with you to for example a lecture or a tutorial. 


What can you expect?


We always will try to connect you with people from the same study programme and language (nl/en), so depending on who signs up you will be asked to show someone around a couple times a year. We will check with you every time before connecting you to a potential new student and you will also be able to plan the walk-along day yourself at a moment that suits you.

Are you a current first year student who likes meeting new people? Use the form below to sign up as a VSAE-guide and you will be connected to your first prospective student in a couple of weeks!

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.


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